- Turn EasyPic2 development board into an ENC28J60 Ethernet Toolkit.
- ENC28J60 Serial Ethernet Controller.
- This page will show you how to connect your development board to the Ethernet Network by using the ENC28J60 Microchip Ethernet Controller.
- On-board USB fast programmer.
- DIP8 to DIP40 PIC sockets.
- 2 LEDs and 32 buttons, connected to I/O pins.
- 4 digits 7 segments LED display.
- Socket for 2x16 LCD text display.
- 2 trimmers for A/D conversion.
- 5 connectors.
- Directly connected to I/O pins with pull-up/pull-down resistor arrays.
- RS232 adaptor and connector.

Details can be found HERE