- The PIC Works 1 is a kit that is suitable for controlling your own small robotics and animatronics projects.
- PIC Works 1 is an electronic kit.
- 2 x low-current outputs, 2 x high-current outputs, 2 x digital inputs.
- 2 LED's and 2 on-board pushbuttons.
- Drives 2 DC motors and 2 servo motors.
- Fixed or variable frequency piezo speaker operation.
- Motor speed and servo parameters are adjustable in firmware.
- Analog sensors can be connected.
- Includes PIC12F629 microcontroller.
- Sample routines in documented source code.
- Requires use and knowledge of PIC assembly language and your own programmer hardware.
- In-circuit PIC programming.
- Suitable for small robotics and animatronics projects.
- PIC works 1 electronic kit assembly is required.

Details can be found HERE