- Some of good board for getting started with the PIC microcontrollers programming.
- It has on board power supply voltage regulator circuit, microcontroller's reset circuit, crystal oscilator circuit, LED and EEPROM memory.
- Also featured with RS232 serial port interface and second RS232 port with build in programmer, so you can programm your microcontroller without take off the board.
- PIC16F84A-20MHz microcontroller or PIC16F628A-20Mhz.
- ICSP connector and cable for programming other PICs in-circuit.
- DIL18 pin microcontroller socket.
- Voltage regulator 78L05 and filtering capacitors.Crystal oscilator circuit 20MHz.
- I2C EEPROM 24LC08 or larger.
- Reset circuit.
- Two RS232 DB9 connectors.

Details can be found HERE